Tag: regulation
Rules are default
Rules are flawed, but still our default approach. In most societies, the default way to talk about what is right or wrong is through rules and regulations. We have tremendously detailed descriptions about what we think is allowed or not, written down in countless volumes of regulations. While this often proves to be very valuable…
It’s only a model
Regulation provides a static solution for a dynamic problem If you argue that different sets of rules often aim at governing situations that are part of the same system, you will agree that these sets of rules will need to be adaptive to one another in order to be effective. If rules are developed and…
Scared of the dusk
We should be working on alternatives to regulation Next to the fact that the amount and complexity of regulation is increasing, there is a risk that it is getting less effective too, making the problem exponentially bigger. If we, as a citizen or employee in a company have more ways to do things and options…
Regulation is too complex
Asking people to do good simply by complying to regulation is unreasonable Our way to make sure we keep doing the right thing is under pressure. Our society relies heavily on our legal and justice system to make sure people know the rules and follow them. We make ever more complex regulations to govern the…